Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spanking Grandmothers Do Grandmothers Have To Right To Spank Children?

Do Grandmothers have to right to spank children? - spanking grandmothers

I am a mother of twins 19 months. My mom was visiting last night. I was in the kitchen washing dishes, while my mother watched my daughters. One of my daughters took the SIM card from the cable box. My mother screamed at her and call her a "little bastard" and stopped at the bottom. Do not spank my children. My mother beat me and sometimes hit me with an electric cable when I was little, I had a negative influence on me when I was very introverted and shy. I do not have my glasses with my mother as much as I can help, because my mother can be very aggressive. I'm afraid the cable to my colleagues as he with me. What do you think.


Happy days said...

If you had not given permission to beat their children, then it was done wrong by her. Especially at home. She would have it, what happened, and allow you to discipline your daughter, but you seem informed. You have to talk to her and tell her not to beat their children, and if she refuses to comply, which, let your children be around them. Do you have a friend or relative who can be trusted to see their children? If so, leave, then definitely with someone else.

tiaragot... said...

When my kids are bad when my mother or grandmother for children on the way to beat her care, but they say ..

If my mother, grandmother, or go to visit me and I'm in another room or outside, and my son is a "bastard" will say something like "refer to the discipline of children.

This is said with that, I can beat my children grandmomma if they are bad and I'm not.

Jeff N said...

Typically, the grandparents with methods that can meet the consent of the parents too limited. Does your mother know what you think about the use of spanking? If so, it was too bad to spank your daughter. Remember, however, that his mother raised and noted that at a time, beating is not rejected. Older adults tend to methods that have worked for usually use them.

~baby blue eyes~♥ said...

Uh, no! She has no right to beat his son without permission, especially with a rope! My God, I am a rollover. And if someone calls my son a little guy .... Oh Gosh. No, leave your mother with her children if she can not respect their wishes.

Jane Collective said...

Not if the parents DONT agree with this form of punishment. It would be boring if someone my children bc I do not agree with them are affected. And my mother knows that, as my husband and r only human I let my children.

Jamie said...

If you do not believe enough to their children discipline, as they see fit, so I leave no trust in me enough to never. Responsible adults responsible at the time must be truly responsible.

Nina M said...

I think it's good for them to pop their funds, they must learn to respect others, not just their parents but a cable is very little about the children of this age!

Jennield said...

No, she has that right.
Tell her she had the chance to ask how she was correct and now needs them to feel the decision to discipline to their children.

x-dude said...

and history of the Uruguay Round seems to be whipping Lieksa mtoher it can not be with or without children spanking ur authorization is a crime that does nothing to solve ur boy is just wrong

Coleen said...

With your permission, especially at home.

Sara's Mommy said...

Not without your consent!

KoKoKiTTy is depressed said...


royalbir... said...

I have a problem with my parents and MIL spank my children but I do not think he would ever. My parents and my MIL are very quiet, peaceful, friendly people, and rarely something. Yes, my parents lost when I was young, but rarely, and never angry. I have every confidence in the discipline as they deem fit. You can always say, do not beat your mother and do not want to be taken and if they do not agree, he has no time with his grandchildren. You as parents have the right to set these limits.

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